Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is an important facility for pupils with working parents and for those who perhaps need a good start to the school day with a meal inside them. It is open to all pupils, aged 4-11 years, and is run by experienced members of staff who are first-aid trained. Children are dropped off through the double doors into the hall off the main car park.

Day Time Cost
Monday-Friday 7:45-8:45am £5.15 per session

Breakfast Club is open from 7:45am (term time only).

There is a small cost of £5.15, which includes breakfast if needed. Breakfast provided is a range of toast, cereals and fruit, followed by a range of games and arts & crafts.

To book please visit the PH Sports website Please be aware that you will need to register with PH Sports on the website prior to being able to book.